The three-course dinner is inspired by the Czechoslovak First Republic period.

If you’d like to enjoy a three-course signature dinner prepared by chef Jaroslav Zahálka before the concert, you can easily add it to your reservation. The dinner is not included in the concert and takes place prior to the event. Simply purchase a concert ticket along with the dinner! All menu types include a welcome drink.

If you have any food allergies, please contact us. We will prepare a menu according to your requirements.

Hovězí menu


Pea cream, butter croutons, fava beans, basil creme fraiche, watercress oil, afila sprouts 1, 7

Main Course

Beef Bourguignon in red wine gravy, fried oyster mushrooms, onions, potato and celery puree 1, 7, 9


Sweet mini dumplings, vanilla custard 1, 3, 7

Vegetarian Menu


Pea cream, butter croutons, fava beans, basil creme fraiche, watercress oil, afila sprouts 1, 7

Main Course

Steak of baked cauliflower, purée, wild broccoli, nuts relish with pecorino cheese 1, 7, 8


Sweet mini dumplings, vanilla custard 1, 3, 7

Children´s menu


Pea cream, butter croutons, fava beans, basil creme fraiche, watercress oil, afila sprouts 1, 7

Main Course

Chicken schnitzsel with potato puree 1, 3, 7


Sweet mini dumplings, vanilla custard 1, 3, 7


Drinks can be ordered until 7:50 pm (before the first part of the concert) or during the concert intermission.

Beverages can be purchased before attending the Sinatra Tribute in the form of an unlimited beverage package. This package is valid until the end of the event (9:30 pm) and includes a selection of two red and two white wines, beer, non-alcoholic, and hot beverages. One unlimited beverage package is valid for one person and cannot be shared with other guests. If interested, please order it through our e-shop when selecting your seat and menu.

Neomezená konzumace nápojů

Nealkoholické nápoje / non-alcoholic drinks

Výběr domácích limonád a džusů / selection of homemade lemonades and juices
Aquila (neperlivá voda), mattoni (perlivá voda) / aquila (still water), mattoni (sparkling water)
Schweppes tonic / schweppes tonic
Pepsi, mirinda, 7up
Káva, čaj / coffee, tea


Pivo / beer

Pivo svijany / Svijany beer
Nealkoholické pivo svijany / non-alcoholic beer Svijany


Bílé víno / white wine

Rulandské šedé, zemské, sedlák (suché / dry)
Ryzlink rýnský, pozdní sběr, spielberg (suché / dry)


Červené víno / red wine

Cabernet moravia, zemské, sedlák (suché / dry)
Côte du rhône, château d´aqueria (suché / dry)